10 Guatemalan Slang You Need to Know Before Visiting Antigua (2024)

We learned that as you travel through Latin America, tone, accents, and even words in Spanish will vary. You could very well be a fluent Spanish speaker, but one visit to a new country in the region can leave you confused and questioning your own ability. So previously, we brought you Peru’s top slang terms to help you out when you’re visiting the land of the Inca. Now, get ready to learn the language of Chapin.


That’s right. Like, the many ways of preparing eggs, “huevos” is the most versatile slang word for Guatemalans. “De ahuevo” is “cool”, while the more accentuated “de ahuevisimo” means “super cool”. But, “hueviar” means “stole”. For example, “Ese cerote me a huevio mis huevos que eran de ahuevisimo.” Not that you’d ever say “that dude stole my super cool eggs”.


Traditionally, the word is used offensively for someone who does nothing with their life; a big zero, a loser. In Guatemala, it is still commonly used this way. However, Chapines also use it when referring to close friends. It’s like saying “dude” or “bro”.

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Immediately you might think “water? Plural?”. But, in Guatemala it is used like “heads up!”. When you hear a group yell “Aguas!” be on the lookout because something or someone is headed your way.


More closely translating to “thorough” Chapines often use the word to mean “spot on”. For example, if someone is talking about something you agree with, you’d respond with “Es cabal!”.


Chilero is used to express appreciation for something. It’s like saying something is “awesome”, or “pretty good”.


In Guatemala, pisto is a slang term used for the word “money”.


Any Spanish translation of the the word “clavo” will tell you it means “nail”, like nail and a hammer. However, Chapines use “clavo” when someone has a problem or a difficult situation.


Burra, the female form of “donkey” in Spanish is used to refer to a bus in slang terms. It can be a chicken bus or a metro bus, they’re all considered burras.

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Ya Estas Viernes

This saying literally translates as “You’re Friday”. However, Friday is understood as “old”. This is the perfect response if a friend says they’d rather stay in than go to the party. “Ya estas Viernes”.


This slang term is so slangy that is literally has no translation. In fact, it doesn’t really even mean anything for Guatemalans. Instead, this “sound” is used in extenuating circ*mstances when you need everyone’s attention, or are looking for silence. For example, if you yell “Sho!” people will likely stop what they’re doing. But careful with this one, it’s considered rude.

10 Guatemalan Slang You Need to Know Before Visiting Antigua (2024)


What are some Guatemalan slang? ›

The Most Common Guatemalan Slang Words
  • Cabal — All good. This means that you're in agreement with a situation, that something is right or correct or that it's “all good.” ...
  • Calidá — Cool. ...
  • Cerote — Dude. ...
  • ¡Aguas! ...
  • Pisto — Cash. ...
  • Ser muy viernes — It's such a drag. ...
  • Clavo — Problem. ...
  • Chucho — Greedy person.
Feb 14, 2024

What is the slang word for kid in Guatemala? ›

15. Patojo/a. This word means kid or child. It's said in a loving and fun way.

How do you say cool in Guatemalan slang? ›

That's right. Like, the many ways of preparing eggs, “huevos” is the most versatile slang word for Guatemalans. “De ahuevo” is “cool”, while the more accentuated “de ahuevisimo” means “super cool”.

What does Chucho mean in Guatemalan? ›

16) Chucho

Chucho is also the Guatemalan slang for a dog, but don't get distracted, because “chucho” could also mean a car tire in this country, so just to be safe always assume it means a dog, unless you're talking about cars.

What is the Guatemalan slang for girl? ›

slang used for boy 🙋 (“patojO”) or girl 🙋‍♀️ (“patojA”). younger than them. siempre están sonriendo.” and IXTA for girl.

Is cerote a bad word? ›

From the point of view of Mexican Spanish: "Eres un cerote" does mean you're a big zero, a nothing or worthless. "Eres un cerrote" means you are a big turd or crap.

What is Guatemalan slang for lazy? ›

Huevón can be an insult (meaning "lazy", "stupid", or "jerk") but in many Latin American dialects has taken on a secondary meaning of endearment (cf.

What does Pito mean in Guatemala? ›

In Spanish slang, “pito” can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to a cigarette or joint, as well as a whistle or horn. However, the most common and widely used meaning of “pito” is a slang term for the male genitalia.

How do you say soda in Guatemala? ›

soda agua (guatemala)

How do you say boyfriend in Guatemala? ›

el novio; la novia.

What is a Chucho? ›

In El Salvador, “chucho” means a little dog. The same word in Honduras can translate to stingy.

What does Chiquita mean in Guatemala? ›

a female given name: from a Spanish word meaning “small.”

What is Cerote? ›

cerote m (plural cerotes) (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, vulgar) a turd, excrement synonyms ▲ Synonyms: (Honduras) bojote, cagada, mierda, mojón.

What does Patojo mean in Guatemala? ›

patojo – child (young people) pisto - money.

How do Guatemalans greet each other? ›

Shaking hands is the most common greeting in Guatemala. Rather than offering a hard, firm handshake, a light grip is customary with both men and women. A handshake should be used at the beginning of an encounter with a client and when leaving.

What do Guatemalans call their friends? ›

1. Alero. Where it's used: Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Although alero literally means roof eaves, it's most commonly used in these three countries to refer to a buddy or good friend, depending on the context.

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