Can You Get Flu Twice in One Year? (2024)

While influenza (the flu) can spread year-round, December marks a spike in many cases of flu across our communities. Flu infections often lead to uncomfortable symptoms that can disrupt your daily routine and keep you from doing important tasks. So, once you’ve been diagnosed with the flu once, are you safe from the illness for the rest of the year? Unfortunately, no, influenza can affect you more than once throughout the year as strains can change quickly.

This blog will explore how you can get the flu more than once and explain some steps toward prevention. Visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Hillsdale for same-day flu shots and flu treatment whenever you need it.

I’ve gotten the flu once– can I get it again?

As the temperatures continue to drop and the risk of contracting illnesses rises, you may be wondering… can you get the flu twice in one year? The simple answer is yes– it is possible to get the flu more than once in a single season. Influenza is a viral infection, meaning the illness mutates quickly into various strains. If you’ve been diagnosed with flu once, you can be diagnosed with flu again by a different strain than before. Being affected by the various strains of flu throughout the year may not be that common, but it can happen to anyone– even healthy children and adults.

Most people who get the flu once will develop antibodies that will protect them from getting it again in one year. However, if you haven’t received your flu shot, you’re inevitably at a higher risk for being infected with influenza. Additionally, if you are in a high-risk group for developing the flu, including those with a weakened immune system or underlying health conditions, then you may be more likely to get the flu twice in one year.

What are the signs and symptoms of the flu?

The common symptoms associated with the flu are more severe than the common cold, and can leave you feeling sick for a week or two.

Common symptoms of the flu include:

  • Chest congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Fever and/or chills
  • Cough
  • Runny / stuffy nose
  • Headache
  • Fatigue

How can I prevent getting the flu at all?

The flu spreads through droplets within the air. When someone is infected with the contagious virus, they can spread it through the germs in their sneeze or cough. This means that influenza can spread when you are in close contact with other sick people. The best way to prevent getting the flu twice in the same season is to get a flu shot at the beginning of the season. This will help your body develop the necessary antibodies to fight off any new strains of the virus that may emerge. Furthermore, to avoid any flu-like symptoms this year you should avoid people who are sick, frequently wash your hands, disinfect commonly touched surfaces, and prioritize your health and wellness through proper rest and hydration.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Hillsdale for Flu Treatment

When you’re sick, AFC Urgent Care Hillsdale is there. The walk-in clinic stays open every day of the week, making weekend flu treatment accessible when you need it. Don’t let your symptoms get the best of you this flu season. Getting your flu shot is an important way to avoid illnesses that could spread to the community. We accept a variety of health insurances and offer low costs for our urgent care services. If you have any other questions pertaining to flu treatment, or other urgent care services we provide, you can call us directly at (201) 523-9222.

Can You Get Flu Twice in One Year? (2024)


Can You Get Flu Twice in One Year? ›

It's possible to get the flu twice in one season, even if you already had it during the flu season, which starts in October and lasts as long as May. 1 Your chances of being infected again by the same strain may be low.

Can you get the flu again after just having it? ›

2: I've had the flu recently, so I don't need a flu vaccine. Unfortunately, this is false. Even if you've been diagnosed with influenza and recovered, you can get sick from the flu again. Typically, multiple strains of the flu circulate each year.

How many times can you get the flu in one year? ›

Yes, it is possible to get the flu twice in one season – mainly because there's usually more than one strain of the flu virus floating around at the same time. Even after having the flu, you don't necessarily have full immunity against other strains.

How long are you immune to the flu after having it? ›

Can you get flu twice in one season? During flu season, multiple strains—flu A and B—circulate. After infection with one strain, you should have immunity from that strain for the rest of the flu season. However, you could get infected with a different strain, Dr.

Why does my flu keep coming back? ›

If your symptoms persist more than 10 days or keep coming back, then something else may be going on, such as allergies, sinusitis, or a secondary infection.

Is flu A or B worse? ›

Type A influenza is generally considered worse than type B influenza. This is because the symptoms are often more severe in type A influenza than in type B influenza. Type A influenza is more common than type B influenza. Researchers suggest that most adults have considerable immunity against type B influenza.

Can you get influenza B back to back? ›

It is possible to get the flu twice during the same flu season. Since there are two types of flu strains – influenza A and influenza B – if you get influenza A, you can also get influenza B. But there is some good news.

Which flu is most common right now? ›

Influenza A is the most common strain and usually causes seasonal flu outbreaks. Influenza B can also cause flu outbreaks, but it mutates more slowly.

What does flu fatigue feel like? ›

Feeling tired and weak

With the flu – It's extremely common to feel tired and weak for two weeks or longer. You may also have extreme exhaustion that comes on suddenly.

What's the difference between flu A and flu B? ›

The biggest difference between influenza A vs. influenza B is that influenza B does not infect animals. This makes it mutate more slowly, and it typically causes milder illness. Influenza B is more common in children, and more prevalent later in the flu season.

What kills the flu virus in the body? ›

But if you have a severe infection or are at higher risk of complications, your healthcare professional may prescribe an antiviral medicine to treat the flu. These medicines can include oseltamivir (Tamiflu), baloxavir (Xofluza) and zanamivir (Relenza). Oseltamivir and baloxavir are taken by mouth.

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.