Is Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! Worth Watching

1. Bisoku Zenshin! (Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!) - Reviews -

  • In conclusion, I think that the quality of this series was good. It wasn't anything stellar, but I felt like it was well worth the time each week (even prior to ...

  • Read reviews on the anime Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin! (Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!) on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. In a seemingly peaceful time without looming threats of Sirens or war, shipgirls from different nations live together in harmony. Some girls, such as the destroyers Ayanami, Javelin, Laffey, and Z23, attend school. Others immerse themselves into various other activities, including sports, foraging, training, going to formal parties, or even vying for the commander'...

Bisoku Zenshin! (Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!) - Reviews -

2. Anime short review: Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! | Everything is bad for you

  • Missing: worth | Show results with:worth

  • After several months, I’m back with the anime shorts. I haven’t had a great track record with the series on the shorter side, but I always try to keep an open mind about anything new. L…

Anime short review: Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! | Everything is bad for you

3. Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!- Whole-Series Review and Reflection

  • May 31, 2021 · For this reason, Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! exceeded my initial expectations coming in, and I had a great deal of fun watching it. With this ...

  • “If it’s strictly comedy, I like to bring some darkness to it. If it’s strictly drama, I always like to lighten it up as well. I like to find some kind of dimension and make my ch…

Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!- Whole-Series Review and Reflection

4. Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! - THEM Anime Reviews

5. Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! - Anime Review - DoubleSama

  • Missing: worth | Show results with:worth

  • In this review of the short Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! series, I take a look at how it compares to the full-length anime.

Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! - Anime Review - DoubleSama

6. Azur Lane (Azur Lane the Animation) - Reviews -

  • Watching Azur Lane made me feel like a kid who got a flashy new toy but gets bored the very next day. Characters such as Unicorn serves as mascots that brings ...

  • Read reviews on the anime Azur Lane (Azur Lane the Animation) on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. When the "Sirens," an alien force with an arsenal far surpassing the limits of current technology, suddenly appeared, a divided humanity stood in complete solidarity for the first time. Four countries—Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, and Iron Blood—formed Azur Lane, paving the way for the improvement of modern warfare, which led to an initial victory against the common ...

Azur Lane (Azur Lane the Animation) - Reviews -

7. A Party at the Grand Base- Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! OVA Review and ...

  • May 18, 2022 · This special inherits the aesthetic and tone from Slow Ahead!, as well as the smoother animation and improved artwork: originally, Azur Lane had ...

  • “Take it easy, because if you start taking things seriously, it is the end of you.” –Jack Kerouac With a party scheduled for the following day, Javelin decides to head on over to the gy…

A Party at the Grand Base- Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! OVA Review and ...

8. Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin! Review - PyraXadon's Anime Archive

  • Apr 4, 2021 · ... themselves. While not necessarily a continuation of the actual Azur lane anime (though you could kind of bend it to be one), Slow Ahead!…

  • Why yes I did just play exclusively Operation Siren while watching this show. And yes, I finished playing my dailies faster than it took to watch this. META ships don’t farm themselves.

Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin! Review - PyraXadon's Anime Archive

9. Azur Lane Slow Ahead 3-Episodes Impressions – I never knew my 80+ ...

  • As someone who has played the mobile game, watched the 2019 anime and even read the 4-panel manga of Slow Ahead!, I highly recommend this series to fans of Azur ...

  • As the not so famous saying goes, "My loli senses are tingling!". Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! is the story of the peaceful dorm life of Azur Lane's shipgirls.

Azur Lane Slow Ahead 3-Episodes Impressions – I never knew my 80+ ...

10. azur lane | Everything is bad for you

  • That's the whole story in Slow Ahead! There's no real plot, just those slice-of-life antics with a few comedy bits and some fanservice. The fanservice makes ...

  • Posts about azur lane written by AK

azur lane | Everything is bad for you

11. Azur Lane Anime Series Review & Discussion - DoubleSama

  • Mar 24, 2020 · The Azur Lane anime may not have made much sense, but that doesn't mean it was bad. It gave us some of the season's best animation.

  • The Azur Lane anime may not have made much sense, but that doesn't mean it was bad. It gave us some of the season's best animation.

Azur Lane Anime Series Review & Discussion - DoubleSama

12. Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!: Where to Watch and Stream Online | Reelgood

  • Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! ... This is a slightly peculiar world where the shipgirls live in. A lively and enjoyable school life for girls from different factions ...

  • Find out where to watch Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! online. This comprehensive streaming guide lists all of the streaming services where you can rent, buy, or stream for free

Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!: Where to Watch and Stream Online | Reelgood
Is Azur Lane: Slow Ahead! Worth Watching
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Author: Duane Harber

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Views: 5968

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.