Stefania: "Of course I would return to Eurovision with the Netherlands!" - OGAE Greece (2025)

Stefania gave an interview to the well-known Belgian Eurovision site, , talking about her career in Greece, about this year’s competition and about her possible participation in the near future.

After Eurovision…

Stefania ‘s career changed spectacularly as she emphasizes, after her participation in 2021:

“Actually I owe everything to Eurovision, of course I’ve always worked hard, but my participation really opened a lot of doors. They ask me a lot of nice things. For example, the Polish broadcaster sent an e-mail to my manager and asked me if I would like to perform during the Polish final. After all, they thought Last Dance was one of the best songs of 2021!”

With a different song in Rotterdam?

The singer has already released several songs after her participation in the competition, both in English and Dutch as well as in Greek:

“I also wanted to release songs specifically for Greece, I have a team that I’m extremely happy with and in Greece the audience wants to hear me in Greek. My last release ‘Piano Fotia’ was very well received. And it’s also a nice challenge for me because I co-sign my songs.”

One of the songs released in English could easily under other circumstances be her participation in Rotterdam.

After Eurovision, I released Mucho calor , and a demo of that song was also recorded as a possible entry. In the end, we chose Last Dance. Last Dance has a more mysterious beginning and the direction, with the green screen and the choreography we had in mind for it, suited Last Dance much better.

Presentation and acting

Stefania is not only involved in singing. She presents the weekly music show Kids Top 20 and was responsible for presenting the final of the Junior Song Contest 2022, the Dutch pre-selection for the Eurovision Junior Song Contest. Also, she has already become known as an actress. In 2022, he starred in the movie Misfit The Switch. She is also responsible for the Dutch translation of many animated films with her voice.

The 20-year-old singer adds: “And I’m also in my studies! I’m studying at the Herman Brood Academy in Utrecht.”

Despite this, Stefania focuses on her career as a singer:

“I’m being given opportunities and I’m really enjoying it, but for now I’m focusing on singing. Recently, I signed a contract with a Dutch label. I’m going to write a lot of songs, make demos and eventually I hope to release a lot of new music! And in this way, i will mainly focus on dutch speaking music!

Concert in Utrecht!

On Sunday April 2nd at 4pm, Stefania will be at TivoliVredenburg for her first concert.

It’s going to be a really fun, sparkling concert. Everyone can sing along because I’ll be performing Last Dance and all my other songs and I’ll be doing some covers too. I will be performing with a band and backing singers and we are already rehearsing and preparing. There will also be a special guest, but I can’t reveal anything about that yet!

Her opinion on this year’s Eurovision

Stefania is not only a former Eurovision contestant but also a staunch fan. She has been watching the competition since childhood and has also already set her favorites for this year’s competition in Liverpool.

Loreen’s Tattoo is really a great standard Eurovision song. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wins again. I also really like Italy. Due vite is a beautiful song and Marco Mengoni has a beautiful voice’.

Stefania has, of course, already heard the entries of Belgium and the Netherlands .

‘Because of You’ is a really great song, a nice pop track. Gustaph has a great voice, it looks like he’s using autotune but it’s actually his own voice. He is also handsome himself!! I really enjoy it. I also really like the Dutch part. I’m more of a pop girl, but Burning Daylight is a great song. I hope both Belgium and the Netherlands end up in the top ten. I think both countries definitely have a chance to finish in the top ten.”

At Eurovision again with the Netherlands?

Will we see Stefania again on the stage of a future Eurovision, this time in the colors of the Netherlands?

I’d love to, but I haven’t been asked so far. If the Dutch state channel AVROTROS asks me if I would like to represent the Netherlands, I am interested. Of course!

Stay tuned to OGAE Greece for all the news of our favorite competition and more!

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Stefania: "Of course I would return to Eurovision with the Netherlands!" - OGAE Greece (2025)
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