Submission to Skippy, because each time I blog I’m told there’s an ‘unexpected error’ and my post disappears!!
Dear Skippy, THIS IS WHY I BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAY ( OMG, my posts are being sabotaged. They won’t 'send’, then they disappear!!!!)
Meg’s goal is to destroy the BRF. Oh My…. She was given orders….. REMOVE the lustre, gloss, sheen and magic that attaches to the Royals as a glittering aura……make their sparkle DISAPPEAR , ERADICATE their dazzle…….. RELEGATE THE BRF to 'junk status’ ( financial term for something not worthy of investment) MAKE THEM REDUNDANT
BECAUSE… you have to admit that
If MM simply wanted to be a Princess in a fairytale, she could have acted like one and therefore never put her title at risk. The crazy thing is that she MANAGED TO BECOME ONE ( well, almost…… duch*ess is pretty close) She married a real Prince. She wore a tiara of sorts. She rode in a Royal carriage. She received the title, YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS, Her “impossible 'dream came true”, people became obliged to curtsy to her, she had unlimited wealth at her disposal, access to future state visits and world events. She was home and dry……. our duch*eSS OF SUSSEX………
Yet having acquired her dream, and a lifetime of opulence and ease. SHE PROCEEDED TO….
INTENTIONALLY and DELIBERATELY shoot herself in the foot…….. which also left PH with bullet wounnds. She decided to commit harakiri……leave Cinderella at the ball and morph into an ugly sister. WHY? Why didn’t she just conform, follow protocol, show respect to senior Royals, defer to PH as Kate does to PW, stand behind the Queen, wear pantihose, use nude nail polish, stay out of politics wear decent clothing, don pretty hats…….. WHY NOT?????
So MM was instructed to grab every possible opportunity to mock, taunt, insult and shame this 'family she never had’
Instead of trying to fit in, she went all out to be controversial, to court public attention, (and that changed from positive to negative pretty much overnight.) . To show that the SUSSEX focus was on SELF- interest, SELF- promotion, SELF- enrichment.
With each smug look, each sneer, every mocking glance, a chain of insulting behavior, slu*tty outfits, appalling hair - days, she began alienating herself from the Royal Family, distorting their reality, creating havoc, causing them deep humiliation, potent anger……
And incurring the wrath of the public……. and while MM WAS THE HATED ONE, the wrath inevitably began to shift to include the BRF, as was always the planned intention.
This was the plan. It could have been very different. MM could have been clever, acted charming. As obnoxious, abhorrent and disgusting as MM is, she’s no fool. Street-wise…… Street-smart…
.. MM knows the meaning of HUSTLE. When the gloves were off and she was just another average D- LIST actress auditioning for a small role in SUITS - she came out on top. She can role play ( pun intended) when required….
Were the situation such that, YES, PH HADN’T developed a backbone, and carried EMOTIONAL SCARS , and sadly was searching for a re-incarnated PRINCESS DIANA, therefore rendered UNfit for and UNSUITED to ROYAL LIFE, a hustler like MM could easily have kept his inadequacies hidden ( MO PH = NO duch*eSS MEGHAN)
Instead we’ve seen personal revelation after personal revelation, all of which have demeaned PH, all of which were disparaging, all of which maligned PH, and by association, diminished his family in the public’s eye.
BUT. if No PH equates to NO duch*eSS MEGHAN, then, WHAT WAS IT WITH THE RIDICULE, Megs? . Why portray him as an unfit Prince, your lackey, your chauffer, your personal assistant. Why trash his image and portray him as a fool, a clown, why allow him to become the butt of jokes………..because keeping on being a duch*ess most definitely depends on PH remaining a Duke….. Yes?
OF COURSE YES. SO, why would you not fight to protect YOUR OWN royal title, even if THE DUKE WAS FALLING Apart. As a domineering alpha wife it would have been easy to cover up for him, made him still appear dignified and respected…
I mean, while we know you were never a fashion icon, surely you knew that a transparent dress with the thigh high split wouldn’t really do…….. that you really looked ugly in the shaki SA tent worn to a mosque……… that it will always be too risqué to deliberately unbutton a top to create a bra reveal………and you knew that the loose V necked sweater that exposed your cleavage would shock most people ……….
STRANGE….So very strange…. because a street - smart hustler would know that Royalty must be ROYAL. A royal couple can’t comprise a slu*tty hag wife and a p*ssy- whipped husband……. that isn’t what the loyal British taxpayer signed up for………. such a parody of Royalty doesn’t go down well.
Yet you’ve persisted, and still persist, in being as common as muck. You’re such a thorn in the side of the British public, so hated, “MORE VILIFIED THAN HITLER EVER WAS…….” and by association, so too now, is PH…..
By many…….. NOT ALL…
So contrary to choosing to fight for your dream PRINCESS life, you’ve chosen the role of divider, destroyer of public affection, imposter, fraud.
And HMTQ has been criticized, mocked, taunted, for not disciplining you and PH……… people are being urged to question whether Royalty can justify the millions and millions of pounds spent to maintain their homes, their lifestyle……….
AND IT’S YOU MM that’s the root problem.
People are starting to perceive the Monarchy as weak, to wonder if HMTQ is still 'Queen’ material. You’ve singlehandedly brought about the start of a shift in public perceptions. You’re single - handedly trying to destroy THE HOUSE OF WINDSOR, the vehicle which facilitated your fairytale ending????? Yet it was within your reach to protect, to circle the wagons? It’s nonsensical and absurd that a person whose lifelong ambition was to be a Princess, would deliberately work against the institution that made Princesses………
So, NO. I don’t believe the “CRAZY PH and INEFECCTUAL BRF theory…….
I go with Skippy…….
We’ll very shortly know the truth, because for HMTQ not to take action, to continue down this road and not see fit to punish you, may very well see the end of Monarchy as we know it….
I think you served your backers to the best of your ability MM…
But they’ll be thwarted. HMTQ had the measure of you way back when……….
I await the tolling of the bells
Thank you…great post….much appreciated….😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️