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Prospecto: información para el usuario

Fluenz Tetra suspensión para pulverización nasal

Vacuna contra el virus influenza (viva atenuada, nasal)

Lea todo el prospecto detenidamente antes de administrar la vacuna, porque contiene información importante para usted o para su hijo.

  • Conserve este prospecto, ya que puede tener que volver a leerlo.
  • Si tiene alguna duda, consulte a su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico.
  • Esta vacuna se le ha recetado solamente a usted o a su hijo y no debe dársela a otras personas.
  • Si considera que alguno de los efectos adversos que sufre es grave, consulte a su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico. Esto incluye cualquier efecto adverso posible no mencionado enesteprospecto. Ver sección4.

Contenido del prospecto:

1. Qué es Fluenz Tetra y para qué se utiliza

2. Qué necesita saber antes de administrar Fluenz Tetra

3. Cómo se administra Fluenz Tetra

4. Posibles efectos adversos

5. Conservación de Fluenz Tetra

6. Contenido del envase e información adicional

Fluenz Tetra es una vacuna para prevenir la gripe. Se utiliza en niños y adolescentes de más de24meses ymenos de18años. Fluenz Tetra le ayudará a protegerse de las cuatro cepas de virus contenidas en la vacuna y otras cepas estrechamente relacionadas con ellas.

Cómo actúa Fluenz Tetra

Cuando se administra la vacuna a una persona, el sistema inmunitario (el sistema de defensa natural del organismo) produce su propia protección contra el virus de la gripe. Ninguno de los componentes de la vacuna puede provocar la gripe.

Los virus de la vacuna Fluenz Tetra se cultivan en huevos de gallina. Cada año, la vacuna actúa contra cuatro cepas de la gripe, siguiendo las recomendaciones anuales de la Organización Mundial dela Salud.

No se le administrará Fluenz Tetra:

  • si es alérgico a la gentamicina, a la gelatina oacualquiera de los demás componentes de esta vacuna (estos se enumeran en la sección6“Contenido del envase e información adicional”).
  • si alguna vez ha tenido una reación alérgica grave a los huevos o a las proteínas del huevo. Para conocer los signos de las reacciones alérgicas, ver la sección4“Posibles efectos adversos”.
  • si padece un trastorno de la sangre o un cáncer que afecte al sistema inmunitario.
  • si su médico le ha dicho que tiene usted el sistema inmunitario debilitado a consecuencia deuna enfermedad, medicamento u otro tratamiento.
  • si ya está tomando ácido acetilsalicílico (una sustancia presente en muchos medicamentos utilizados para aliviar el dolor y bajar la fiebre). Esto se debe al riesgo de una enfermedad muy rara pero grave (el síndrome de Reye).

Si se cumple alguna de estas condiciones, informe a su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico.

Advertencias y precauciones

Informe a su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico antes de la vacunación:

  • si el niño tiene menos de24meses. No se debe vacunar a los niños menores de24meses debido al riesgo de los efectos adversos.
  • si padece asma grave o actualmente sibilancias.
  • si está en contacto estrecho con alguien que tiene el sistema inmunitario fuertemente debilitado (por ejemplo, un paciente trasplantado de médula ósea que necesita aislamiento).

Si se cumple alguna de estas condiciones, informe a su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico antes dela vacunación. Él o ella decidirá si Fluenz Tetra es adecuado para usted.

Otros medicamentos, otras vacunas y Fluenz Tetra

Informe a su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico si la persona vacunada está utilizando, ha utilizado recientemente o podría tener que utilizar cualquier otro medicamento, incluyendo medicamentos que no requieran prescripción.

  • No administre ácido acetilsalicílico (una sustancia presente en muchos medicamentos utilizados para aliviar el dolor y bajar la fiebre) a niños durante4semanas después dela vacunación con Fluenz Tetra a menos que su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico le indique locontrario. Esto se debe al riesgo de sufrir síndrome de Reye, una enfermedad muy rara, perograve, que puede perjudicar al cerebro y al hígado.
  • Se recomienda no administrar Fluenz Tetra al mismo tiempo que medicamentos antivirales como oseltamivir y zanamivir. Esto se debe a que la vacuna podría perder eficacia.

Su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico decidirán si se puede administrar Fluenz Tetra al mismo tiempo que otras vacunas.

Embarazo y lactancia

  • Si está embarazada, cree que podría estar embarazada, tiene intención de quedarse embarazada oestá en periodo de lactancia, consulte a su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico antes de utilizar esta vacuna. Fluenz Tetra no se recomienda para mujeres embarazadas o en periodo delactancia.

Conducción y uso de máquinas

  • La influencia de Fluenz Tetra sobre la capacidad para conducir y utilizar máquinas es nula oinsignificante.

Fluenz Tetra se administrará bajo la supervisión de un médico, enfermero o farmacéutico.

Fluenz Tetra solo debe utilizarse en pulverización nasal.

Fluenz Tetra no debe inyectarse.

Fluenz Tetra se administrará como una pulverización en cada fosa nasal. Puede respirar con normalidad mientras se le administra Fluenz Tetra. No hace falta que inhale ni aspire activamente.


La dosis recomendada para niños y adolescentes es de0,2ml de Fluenz Tetra, administrados a razón de0,1ml en cada fosa nasal. Los niños que no han sido vacunados antes contra la gripe recibirán una segunda dosis deseguimiento tras un intervalo mínimo de4semanas. Siga las instrucciones de su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico acerca de si su hijo debe acudir para la segunda dosis y cuándo.

Si tiene cualquier otra duda sobre el uso de este medicamento, pregunte a su médico, enfermero ofarmacéutico.

Al igual que todos los medicamentos, esta vacuna puede producir efectos adversos, aunque no todas las personas los sufran. En los estudios clínicos realizados con esta vacuna, la mayoría de efectos adversos fueron breves y de naturaleza leve.

Consulte a su médico, enfermero o farmacéutico si desea más información acerca de los posibles efectos adversos de Fluenz Tetra.

Algunos efectos adversos pueden ser graves.

Muy raros

(pueden afectar hasta1de cada10.000personas)

  • reacciones alérgicas graves: entre los signos de reacción alérgica pueden figurar dificultad para respirar e hinchazón de la cara o de la lengua.

Informe a su médico de inmediato o busque atención sanitaria urgente si nota alguno de estos síntomas.

Otros posibles efectos adversos de Fluenz Tetra

Muy frecuentes

(pueden afectar a más de1de cada10personas):

  • nariz congestionada o con mocos
  • disminución del apetito
  • debilidad


(pueden afectar hasta1de cada10personas):

  • fiebre
  • dolores musculares
  • dolor de cabeza

Poco frecuentes

(pueden afectar hasta1de cada100personas):

  • erupción cutánea
  • hemorragia nasal
  • reacciones alérgicas

Comunicación de efectos adversos

Si experimenta cualquier tipo de efecto adverso, consulte a su médico, farmacéutico o enfermero, incluso si se trata de posibles efectos adversos que no aparecen en este prospecto. También puede comunicarlos directamente a través del sistema nacional de notificación incluido en el Apéndice V. Mediante la comunicación de efectos adversos usted puedecontribuir a proporcionar más información sobre la seguridad de este medicamento.

Mantener esta vacuna fuera de la vista y del alcance de los niños.

No utilice esta vacuna después de la fecha de caducidad que aparece en la etiqueta del aplicador después de las letras EXP.

Conservar en nevera (entre2ºC y8ºC). No congelar.

Conserve el aplicador nasal en el embalaje exterior para protegerlo de la luz.

Antes del uso, la vacuna puede sacarse de la nevera una vez durante un periodo máximo de12horas auna temperatura de hasta25°C. Si no se ha utilizado tras este periodo de12horas, la vacuna debe desecharse.

Los medicamentos no se deben tirar por los desagües ni a la basura. Pregunte a su farmacéutico cómo deshacerse de los envases y de los medicamentos que ya no necesita. De esta forma ayudará a proteger el medio ambiente.

Composición de Fluenz Tetra

Los principios activos son:

Virus influenza reagrupado* (vivo atenuado) de las siguientes cuatro cepas**:

Cepa similar a A/Victoria/2570/2019 (H1N1)pdm09

(A/Victoria/1/2020, MEDI 340505) 107,0±0,5UFF***

Cepa similar a A/Darwin/9/2021 (H3N2)

(A/Norway/16606/2021, MEDI 355293) 107,0±0,5UFF***

Cepa similar a B/Austria/1359417/2021

(B/Austria/1359417/2021, MEDI 355292) 107,0±0,5UFF***

Cepa similar a B/phu*ket/3073/2013

(B/phu*ket/3073/2013, MEDI 306444) 107,0±0,5UFF***

.......................................................................................................por dosis de0,2ml

* multiplicado en huevos de gallina fertilizados de gallineros sanos.

** producidas en células VERO por tecnología genética inversa. Este producto contiene organismos modificados genéticamente (OMG).

*** unidades de focos fluorescentes

Esta vacuna cumple con la recomendación de la OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud, HemisferioNorte) y la decisión de la UE para la temporada2022/2023.

Los demás componentes son sacarosa, hidrógenofosfato de potasio, dihidrógenofosfato de potasio , gelatina(porcina, TipoA), clorhidrato de arginina, monohidrato de glutamato monosódico y agua parainyección.

Aspecto de Fluenz Tetra y contenido del envase

Esta vacuna se presenta en suspensión para pulverización nasal en un aplicador nasal de un solo uso(0,2ml) en un tamaño de envase de1y10unidades. Puede que solamente estén disponibles ensupaís algunos tamaños de envases.

La suspensión es de incolora a amarilla clara, de transparente a ligeramente turbia. Puedepresentar pequeñas partículas blancas.

Titular de la autorización de comercialización

AstraZeneca AB,

SE-151 85 Södertälje,


Responsable de la fabricación

AstraZeneca Nijmegen B.V.,

Lagelandseweg 78

Nijmegen, 6545CG

Países Bajos

MedImmune, UK Limited,

Plot6, Renaissance Way,

Boulevard Industry Park,


Liverpool, L249JW,

Reino Unido

Pueden solicitar más información respecto a este medicamento dirigiéndose al representante local deltitular de la autorización de comercialización:


AstraZeneca S.A./N.V.

Tel: +3223704811


UAB AstraZeneca Lietuva

Tel: +37052660550


??????????? ???????? ????

???.: +359 24455000


AstraZeneca S.A./N.V.

Tél/Tel: +3223704811

Ceská republika

AstraZeneca Czech Republic s.r.o.

Tel: +420 222 807 111


AstraZeneca Kft.

Tel.: +3618836500


AstraZeneca A/S

Tlf: +4543666462


Associated Drug Co. Ltd

Tel: +35622778000


AstraZeneca GmbH

Tel: +49 40 809034100


AstraZeneca BV

Tel: +31793632222



Tel: +3726549600


AstraZeneca AS

Tlf: +4721006400


AstraZeneca A.E.

Τηλ: +30210 6871500


AstraZeneca Österreich GmbH

Tel: +431711310


AstraZeneca Farmacéutica Spain, S.A.

Tel: +34913019100


AstraZeneca Pharma Poland Sp. z o.o.

Tel.: +48222457300



Tél: +33141294000


AstraZeneca Produtos Farmacêuticos, Lda.

Tel: +351214346100


AstraZeneca d.o.o.

Tel: +38514628000


AstraZeneca Pharma SRL

Tel: +40213176041


AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals (Ireland) DAC

Tel: +35316097100


AstraZeneca UK Limited

Tel: +38615135600


Vistor hf.

Sími: +3545357000

Slovenská republika

AstraZeneca AB, o.z.

Tel: +421257377777


AstraZeneca S.p.A.

Tel: +39 02 00704500


AstraZeneca Oy

Puh/Tel: +3581023010


Αλ?κτωρ Φαρμακευτικ? Λτδ

Τηλ: +35722490305


AstraZeneca AB

Tel: +46855326000


SIA AstraZeneca Latvija

Tel: +37167377100

United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)

AstraZeneca UK Ltd

Tel: +441582836836

Fecha de la última revisión de este prospecto:

Otras fuentes de información

La información detallada de este medicamento está disponible en la página web de la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos


Instrucciones para profesionales sanitarios

Esta información está destinada únicamente a profesionales del sector sanitario:

Fluenz Tetra debe utilizarse por vía nasal únicamente.

  • No utilizar con una aguja. No inyectar.


  • No utilizar Fluenz Tetra si la fecha de caducidad ha expirado o si el pulverizador está dañado, por ejemplo si el émbolo está suelto o desplazado del pulverizador o si hay algún signo de pérdida de contenido.
  • Revise la apariencia de la vacuna antes de su administración. La suspensión debe ser de incolora a amarillo pálido, de transparente a opalescente. Puede presentar pequeñas partículas blancas.
  • Fluenz Tetra se administra como dosis dividida en ambas fosas nasales tal y como se describe acontinuación. (Ver también Cómo se administra Fluenz Tetra, en la sección3).
  • Tras administrar la mitad de la dosis en una fosa nasal, administrar la otra mitad de la dosis enla otra fosa nasal inmediatamente o poco después.
  • El paciente puede respirar normalmente mientras se administra la vacuna; no hace falta inhalar ni aspirar activamente por la nariz.



Comprobar la fecha decaducidad

El producto debe utilizarse antes de la fecha indicada en la etiqueta del aplicador.

Preparar el aplicador

Retirar la cápsula de goma protectora del extremo. No retirar la pinza divisora de dosis que hay en el otro extremo del aplicador.

Colocar el aplicador

Con el paciente en posición vertical, colocar el extremo dentro de la fosa nasal para garantizar que Fluenz Tetra se administra en lanariz.


Presionar el émbolo

Con un solo movimiento, presionar el émbolo lo más rápidamente posible hasta que la pinza divisora de dosis impida continuar.

Retirar la pinza divisora de dosis

Para administrar en la otra fosa nasal, pinzar yretirar la pinza divisora de dosis del émbolo.

Pulverizar en la otra fosa nasal

Colocar el extremo inmediatamente dentro de la otra fosa nasal y,con un solo movimiento, presionar el émbolo lo más rápidamente posible para administrar el resto de la vacuna.

Ver la sección5para obtener información acerca de la conservación y eliminación



Is fluenz tetra a nasal flu vaccine? ›

Fluenz Tetra is a vaccine used to protect children from 2 to less than 18 years of age against influenza (flu). Influenza is mainly caused by two kinds of influenza virus, known as influenza A and B. Each of these circulates as different strains or subtypes, which change over time.

What are the side effects of Fluenz Tetra nasal spray? ›

(may affect more than 1 in 10 people): runny or stuffy nose. reduced appetite. weakness.

How many doses of nasal flu vaccine? ›

Children need one dose of the vaccine every year. The exception is children who are in a clinical risk group, have not had a flu vaccine before and are under 9 years of age. These children need two doses of vaccine at least 4 weeks apart.

How effective is the nasal spray flu vaccine? ›

After the 2009 pandemic, several U.S. studies among 2 through 17-year-olds found that the nasal spray vaccine was as effective against influenza B viruses and influenza A(H3N2) viruses as inactivated influenza vaccines but was less effective than inactivated flu vaccines against the 2009 pandemic H1N1 viruses.

Why did they stop the nasal flu vaccine? ›

The nasal spray vaccine has been off the U.S. market for two years because it barely worked against one common strain of flu in kids. The company that makes it, MedImmune, says it has reformulated the vaccine and thinks it will work better next year. “This is not an easy decision,” said Dr.

Is the flu nasal spray safe? ›

The children's nasal spray flu vaccine is safe and effective. It's offered every year to children to help protect them against flu. This page is about flu vaccination for children.

How long after flu nasal spray side effects last? ›

Like all medicines, the nasal spray flu vaccine can cause side effects. They're usually mild and short term, and not everyone gets them. Side effects usually go away after a couple of days and you do not need to do anything about them.

How long does flu nasal spray take? ›

Live, attenuated influenza vaccine (called “LAIV”) is a nasal spray vaccine that may be given to non-pregnant people 2 through 49 years of age. It takes about 2 weeks for protection to develop after vaccination. There are many flu viruses, and they are always changing.

How long do FluMist side effects last? ›

Nasal side effects can be a sign that your immune system is responding to the vaccine. Nasal side effects are most likely to occur within a few days after getting a dose of FluMist. They typically go away on their own within a few days.

Why do you need 2 doses of flu shot? ›

The first dose primes the immune system, while the second dose actually provides the immunity. Because of similarities between flu shots from year to year, only one dose is needed each consecutive year after that.

Do you get 1 or 2 doses of flu vaccine? ›

Children 6 months through 8 years getting a flu vaccine for the first time, and those who have only previously gotten one dose of flu vaccine, should get two doses of vaccine. The first dose should be given as soon as vaccine becomes available.

Can the flu shot make you feel tired? ›

That said, there is a small chance that you could feel mildly fatigued after getting a flu shot. This could result as the body is working to produce antibodies. Antibodies build immunity against the virus, which can cause fatigue or tiredness. However, this is typically mild and should subside within a few days.

Which is better flu shot or nasal spray? ›

For adults, doctors found that the nasal spray works just as well as the flu shot. In 2009, they found that the nasal spray worked better in children. But later studies didn't show that it was any more effective than the shot. Whether you get the shot or spray is up to you.

What's the difference between flu shot and flu nasal spray? ›

FluMist is a live vaccine. This means that FluMist has live flu viruses in it that have been weakened so that they shouldn't infect you with the flu. In comparison, flu shots are inactive vaccines that don't have live viruses in them. As a result, flu shots can't cause the flu.

Is the flu shot more effective than the nasal spray? ›

After combining data from all flu seasons, the researchers found that vaccine effectiveness against any type of flu virus was 51% for the inactivated flu shot vs. 26% for the nasal spray.

How long after nasal flu vaccine are you contagious? ›

Children. Some pre school and primary school children have the flu vaccine as a nasal spray. Avoid close contact with children who have had the nasal spray if you have a severely weakened immune system. You should do so for 2 weeks following their vaccination.

Does flu shot help sinus infections? ›

Get a flu shot yearly.

By preventing the flu, you may also prevent a sinus infection, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Why did I get the flu even though I was vaccinated? ›

You can still get the flu after vaccination against it. But if you do, it may be because you were exposed to the flu before or just after you received the shot. You may have also had a weak immune response to the vaccine or be sick with something else entirely.

Is fluticasone propionate nasal spray good for flu? ›

Prescription fluticasone nasal spray (Xhance) is used to treat nasal polyps (swelling of the lining of the nose). Fluticasone nasal spray should not be used to treat symptoms (e.g., sneezing, stuffy, runny, itchy nose) caused by the common cold. Fluticasone is in a class of medications called corticosteroids.

How long does the flu vaccine last? ›

The flu shot is effective for about three to six months. And because the flu makes millions of people sick each year and is pretty contagious, health organizations recommend that nearly everyone older than 6 months get a flu vaccine annually, preferably around the start of flu season.

Can nasal spray damage your sinuses? ›

If you use a medicated nasal spray for more than 3 days in a row, you may develop rebound rhinitis medicamentosa (RM) when you do stop. This condition can cause prolonged sinus congestion. It may even damage your nasal passages over time. RM can be quite uncomfortable.

How long does stuffy nose last after using sinus spray for 3 days? ›

Most people start feeling better in about 2 weeks. But if you've been using nasal sprays for a long time, it can take weeks or months for the congestion to go away. Your healthcare provider will make sure you don't develop complications from rebound congestion like infections and nasal polyps.

Why do I feel weird after taking nasal spray? ›

Some people are sensitive to pseudoephedrine, which is known to cause nervousness, dizziness, or sleeplessness. These side effects are increased when too much of the drug is taken—and in rare cases can even become life-threatening, so don't exceed the recommended dosage.

How long to avoid blowing nose after nasal spray? ›

Aim the nozzle straight toward the outer wall of your nostril. This will help keep the medicine from irritating the inner walls of your nose, especially your septum (the wall that separates your left and right nostrils). Don't blow your nose for 10 minutes or so after you spray.

How many days does it take for nasal spray to work? ›

Remember, it may take up to two weeks of using a nasal spray before you notice the full effects. If you are using a pressurized canister, wash it at least once a week.

How many hours does nasal spray work? ›

Nasal Sprays come in a squeeze bottle – though you can get Afrin Original as either a pump mist or a spray. Each one (ages 6+ years and above) works instantly and provides up to 12 hours of nasal congestion relief due to cold or allergies: The Night products are specifically formulated with a soothing chamomile scent.

Can you catch flu from a child who has had the nasal spray? ›

No 'mist' of vaccine virus escapes into the air and therefore other people in the room should not be at risk of “catching” the vaccine virus. The room or school in which administration of nasal influenza vaccine has taken place does not require any special cleaning afterwards.

Do children feel ill after flu nasal spray? ›

Most children will not experience any side effects. However, if your child had the nasal (nose) spray vaccine, the most common side effects are: a blocked or runny nose • reduced appetite • weakness • muscle aches • headache.

Are there 2 doses of the flu shot? ›

Some children need two doses of flu vaccine. For those children it is recommended to get the first dose as soon as vaccine is available, because the second dose needs to be given at least four weeks after the first.

What happens if you accidentally get a second flu shot? ›

Do not worry if you get two flu shots in one flu season. In fact, kids under 9 years old getting the flu shot for the first time get two flu shots that first flu season. For an adult, two flu shots are not necessary, but also not dangerous.

What happens if you get the flu shot while sick? ›

If you're sick when you get the vaccine, your immune system is already hard at work fighting the other illness. That means it may not have the resources to develop flu antibodies at the same time. So the vaccine may be less effective at preventing the flu.

Can you get the flu twice? ›

The simple answer is yes– it is possible to get the flu more than once in a single season. Influenza is a viral infection, meaning the illness mutates quickly into various strains. If you've been diagnosed with flu once, you can be diagnosed with flu again by a different strain than before.

Can you get the flu 3 times in a row? ›

Yes. It's possible to get the flu back to back. This is because there's usually more than one strain of the flu virus floating around at one time. There are two main types of influenza — influenza A and influenza B.

What is normal to feel after flu shot? ›

Common side effects from the flu shot include: Soreness, redness, and/or swelling from the shot. Headache.

How soon after flu shot do you feel achy? ›

After your shot, you might have headaches or some achiness and pain in the muscles throughout your body. This also usually happens on the first day and goes away within two days. Taking pain relievers such as ibuprofen can help ease your discomfort. Some people experience dizziness or fainting with the flu shot.

How long does it take to get immunity after flu shot? ›

It takes about two weeks to be fully protected after vaccination. We don't know when or if influenza will peak this year, nor do we know what impact COVID-19 will have on influenza trends. Nevertheless, it's important to get the vaccine to prevent the flu.

What flu shot is strongest? ›

Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent contains four times the antigen, the part of the vaccine that helps your body build up protection against flu viruses, than Fluzone Quadrivalent and other standard-dose inactivated flu vaccines.

Which type of flu vaccine is best? ›

The most commonly administered flu vaccine is a quadrivalent vaccine, which provides protection against the four strains of influenza most likely to be circulating each season. These flu vaccines provide protection against three strains of influenza (as opposed to four with a quadrivalent vaccine).

What flu shot goes up your nose? ›

FLUMIST QUADRIVALENT is a vaccine that is sprayed into the nose to help protect against influenza. It can be used in people 2 through 49 years old. FLUMIST QUADRIVALENT may not prevent influenza in everyone who gets vaccinated.

Who should not get nasal flu vaccine? ›

Some people should not get the nasal spray flu vaccine: Children younger than 2 years old. Adults 50 years and older. People with a history of severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of the vaccine or to a previous dose of any flu vaccine.

What are the side effects of Fluenz Tetra? ›

The most common side effects with Fluenz Tetra (seen in more than 1 patient in 10) are reduced appetite, headache, blocked or runny nose and malaise (feeling unwell).

Why was the flu nasal spray discontinued? ›

The nasal spray vaccine has been off the U.S. market for two years because it barely worked against one common strain of flu in kids. The company that makes it, MedImmune, says it has reformulated the vaccine and thinks it will work better next year. “This is not an easy decision,” said Dr.

How can I make my flu shot more effective? ›

Exercise After Getting the Flu Shot

Studies have shown that exercising on the day you receive your flu shot can significantly increase the vaccine's effectiveness.

What type of vaccine is fluenz tetra? ›

Fluenz Tetra is a vaccine used to protect children from 2 to less than 18 years of age against influenza (flu). Influenza is mainly caused by two kinds of influenza virus, known as influenza A and B. Each of these circulates as different strains or subtypes, which change over time.

What is the brand name for nasal flu vaccine? ›

FLUMIST QUADRIVALENT is a vaccine that is sprayed into the nose to help protect against influenza. It can be used in people 2 through 49 years old.

What is an example of a nasal flu vaccine? ›

Live, attenuated influenza vaccine (called “LAIV”) is a nasal spray vaccine that may be given to non-pregnant people 2 through 49 years of age. It takes about 2 weeks for protection to develop after vaccination.

Which flu vaccine is intranasal? ›

FLUMIST QUADRIVALENT is a vaccine indicated for active immunization of persons 2-49 years of age for the prevention of influenza disease caused by influenza A subtype viruses and type B viruses contained in the vaccine. FLUMIST QUADRIVALENT is for intranasal administration only.

Is the nasal flu vaccine better than the shot? ›

Does It Work Better Than the Flu Shot? Studies show that both the flu shot and nasal spray work. For adults, doctors found that the nasal spray works just as well as the flu shot.

How long does a flu vaccine last? ›

The flu shot is effective for about three to six months. And because the flu makes millions of people sick each year and is pretty contagious, health organizations recommend that nearly everyone older than 6 months get a flu vaccine annually, preferably around the start of flu season.

What are the 3 flu vaccines? ›

There are 3 recommended vaccines:
  • Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent vaccine.
  • Flublok Quadrivalent recombinant flu vaccine.
  • Fluad Quadrivalent adjuvanted flu vaccine.
Feb 1, 2023

What is the strongest flu vaccine? ›

Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent contains four times the antigen, the part of the vaccine that helps your body build up protection against flu viruses, than Fluzone Quadrivalent and other standard-dose inactivated flu vaccines.

What is the difference between the flu shot and the FluMist? ›

All shot forms of the flu vaccine are inactivated and made of particles of the virus. These particles are not biologically alive and therefore can't cause disease. The FluMist is a live virus that has been altered so it replicates in the nose but doesn't cause disease.

What are the 4 names of the flu vaccine? ›

Several different brands of standard dose flu shots are available, including Afluria Quadrivalent, Fluarix Quadrivalent, FluLaval Quadrivalent, and Fluzone Quadrivalent.

What is the most common type of flu vaccine? ›

Quadrivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccines (IIV4)

The most commonly administered flu vaccine is a quadrivalent vaccine, which provides protection against the four strains of influenza most likely to be circulating each season.

What age is nasal flu shot for? ›

Children aged 2 years and older are usually given the flu vaccine as a nasal (nose) spray into each nostril.

Is nasal flu vaccine available? ›

FluMist is a flu vaccine given as a nasal spray that helps you fight infection from the flu virus.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.